The book, The Garden Within by Dr. Anita Phillips, did not disappoint! This book gave me an opportunity to evaluate my mental well-being by using a natural garden. There are so many things in nature God has created that allow us to understand ourselves better.
(Image from Jesse Jacques Photo)
There is a time between seasons in which you have to determine what type of soil you have, the kinds of seeds you want to sow, and how to nurture those seeds to bring forth a harvest.
In the book, Dr. Anita Phillips mentioned looking at the weeds you see if you can't physcially see the soil. What behaviors am I displaying are a result of the wrong seeds planted? What other emotions am I experiencing that indicate I need to cultivate my soil? What seeds am I currently sowing? What do I want to have in my life? What are the words coming out of my mouth? What seeds are being sown by the words I speak? Life or death? Abundance or poverty? Fear or faith? How is my irrigation system? Am I able to water my seeds with hope and faith so I can expect my seeds to grow and produce fruit?
Gardner's Garden
I am eager to what my garden within (and my physical garden) will produce!
God designed a perfect and most beautiful plan for us that was on full display in the Garden of Eden. Although, things went awry he still protected us fully through his son. The garden of my life will only produce fruit if I'm rightfully connected to him and he deserves my praise. #SoilCheck